一直在想,究竟通用當天買紳寶回來幹嘛?哪有車廠收購了回來不嘗試把他重新包裝,但我一直聽到的,卻總是快點取消這個brand,聽了將近十幾年,通用也極有本事把紳寶推向永不超生的境況:把雪佛蘭Trailblazer變成9-7、Subaru Impreza變成9-2,遠在歐洲的瑞典人,你們看到自己的國寶大雜交,能不痛心疾首?
當然,我知道我今天那樣說,或者通用會覺得不公平。或者,他們都覺得自己盡過力,但看美國人這幾年應對金融海嘯,由雷曼到AIG到Wells Fargo,不是最後一秒才出動就是出手太慢救不了。區區一個歐洲品牌,對他們來說算老幾。但紳寶不是Talbot、Pontiac和Oldsmobile,他代表了某種執著,就如堅持了很久的中控台起動引擎匙膽、佈置緊密得難以給普通技師修理的引擎,如今連落入強國被他們蹂躪原本設計的機會也沒有,紳寶的車迷,你覺得紳寶這次是死得壯烈還是難看?
i dunno whether u have seen the photos and videos of the SAVE SAAB campaign all over the world in 2009, they are going to do it again in January next year...
回覆刪除when GM went bust in 2008 no one cared to drive their cars out for a parade to support their car maker...but for SAAB...
the level of support is just extraordinary...
我見到,真係好Extensive,從未見過大家咁齊心,但呢一刻真係見唔到有乜轉機,唯有hope for the best...
回覆刪除Youngman has placed a bid!
回覆刪除the next gen 9-3 is 90% is mostly SAAB's own IP...
回覆刪除but that's not gonna come out any time soon...
youngman's plan is to ditch the new 9-5 and 9-4X and stick to the current 9-3 which although based on GM epsilon I platform, it had been heavily modified by SAAB so the IP of the 9-3 is SAAB's...
they plan to restart production of the current 9-3 until the next 9-3 come out...
that's what i've heard...but the new 9-5 and 9-4X is now history...GM says they are not going to licence anyone to anyone to make them any more...
youngman have been exploring ways to get rid of that 10% GM parts in the next-gen 9-3 (ie. the Phoenix platform)...